Deal or No Deal Wiki
Deal or No Deal Wiki

PJ Dykes is a teacher. She had $1,000,000 in her game, and had a AMAZING run, despite knocking small amounts early in the game and turned down $257K before time expired. She continued on the next show and despite knocking the $50K out of the game, she still had $400K and the million along with $1,000 and $25,000.

She also set a record-breaking bank offer of $321,000 with $400,000 and the million on the board as the four cases remaining in play, which she took the deal. In the end, she would've choose Stacey's case and which it contains $25K. The banker would have offered $511,000. She would've choose Megan's case and it had the $400K. The final offer would have offered $551,000 and she had $1K.

