Deal or No Deal Wiki
Deal or No Deal Wiki

The Drew Family are from Chicago. Drew's a director of an Alzheimer's unit. Bobbie's a dialysis tech. Kia's a makeup artist. Kenya's unemployed. They played the Million Dollar Mission with four million-dollar cases in their game, and had a pretty good run. They despite knocking small amounts and one million dollar case early in the game and turned down an offer of $217,000 before time expired. They continued on the next show and despite knocking small amounts and three million dollar cases out of the game, they still have $200,000 along with two small amounts. They took a deal worth $106,000 and their case ended up holding $100.


  • The Drew Family is the first family ever to play Deal or No Deal. The second was the Calhoun family.
  • The Drew Family is the first (and) only family to play the million dollar mission.